Data to the People.
Every company is a software company. And companies not only use their data to make the best decisions, but also make data insights part of their product to their customers.
It is a platform of open source and cloud-based services that ensure that insights can be used for both operational and strategic decisions.
Cloud based means that no server setup is required.
Billed on Usage
Billed on usage, which means that cost is aligned with value.
High Availability
A scalable data lake solution based on Amazon S3 means high availability and unlimited space.

For Data Scientists & Power Users
A full SQL Lab that allows full, rapid access for power users and data scientists to the full data lake. A governance model ensures that all data that is ingested into the data lake is fully curated and documented.
For Organizations
Data visualisation with options for controlling who accesses what data. Embed insights into every process to make sure everyone has the information they need.

For Customers
Insights will increasingly form part of the products offered to customers. Dashboards can be securely embedded in customer applications.
Can your business afford to make decisions without robust, scalable and useful data insights?
The Total Cost of Using Comotion Dash
Usage Fee
Dependent on amount of data stored and usage.
Data-source implementation
Integration with source data applications. Existing Comotion customers and partners can use their development points for this integration. Mendix customers have the benefit of having the free Mendix Component available to extract data.
Dashboard building and embedding
Comotion will work with customers to train and implement users of the platform, and to embed relevant dashboards into client facing applications. Existing customers can use development points for this component.
Let's chat about how to put your data to work.

The Journey to Comotion Dash
We wanted a data management, analysis and visualization platform that did a couple of “simple” things for the various clients and partners that we run systems for.
Firstly, we have grown accustomed to the way that Amazon effectively gives us an unlimited hard-drive called S3. No messy adding of servers and volumes as data grows. We wanted a solution that worked in a similar way. Secondly, we kept running into the pain that is the per-user license cost of incumbent Business Intelligence tools. To do any visualization, insights exploration and publishing – whether inside or outside an organization – from the data, you need to slap down a BI tool – probably with some kind of analytical data store attached. The problem with this, other than the fact that you quickly run into scale issues, is the high per-user cost of these solutions.
Most analytics platforms charge per-user fees. These costs quickly get out of hand, particularly if you need to push visualisations to a large user-base, who may only use the tool a couple of times a month. So we started searching for a solution. We needed two things: a scalable, organized data store for analytical-type data; and a way for power data users to explore that data and share that with a potentially broad audience. And a cost model that aligned more with usage than number of heads. Oh, and infinite scalability would be a plus (you know: easy).
Scalability. Shareability. Cost-effectiveness.